O n Earth, water is the most precious. We are using it in our everyday lives. But did any of you thought where water has been originated from? or When did the water come to our planet? or Did water came from space? If you've thought like that, you've come to the right blog!. Today we are going to see How did Water originate on Earth? At first, scientists thought that the Water was present from the Early/ Baby Earth. But if the water was present during the volcanic eruptions, It must have been evaporated. In the modern period, Scientists are suggesting two ways that we might have got water: By comets and asteroids (Rocky material) From the vast cloud of cloud and dust - Solar Nebula, formed along our sun. Earth's water is similar to the ones that are present in the asteroids. That's the one reason scientists are believing that an asteroid bombardment in the Early days of the solar system could have resulted in the origin of water on our planet. The ratio of deuter...
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